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                      8.2 Mail queue <Alt-B>

     The mail queue function allows you to modify the status of one or
     more mail packets, temporarily change the destination of mail
     packets, and to unpack one or more packets.

     Priority        Sets priority status on all selected packets.
                     Packets with priority status are always processed
                     before packets with crash or normal status.

     Verbose         Shows more information about the highlighted mail
                     packet such as attached files, estimated transfer
                     time, etc. You can not use this function if the
                     destination system is unlisted (does not exist).

     Crash           Sets crash status on all selected packets.

     Hold            Sets hold status on all selected packets. Packets
                     with hold status will never be processed by FD
                     unless the destination system calls in to pickup

     Select all      Selects all packets.

     Destination     Changes the destination of all selected packets.
                     When FD processes the mail queue, it will treat
                     all active (non-sent and non-held) packets as
                     individual packets, including two or more
                     different packets destined for the same system.
                     If a connection is made (whether the destination
                     system calls you or your system calls it),
                     however, all packets destined for that system
                     will be sent.

     Unpack          Discards all selected packets (note: NOT MAIL)
                     from the queue.
     Clear status    Sets normal status on all selected packets.

     Clear busy retries
                     Sets the dial attempts for all selected packets
                     to zero.

     Exit            Returns you to FD.

     Select          Selects the currently highlighted packet.

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